

Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, is an important Celtic festival celebrated on July 31 or August 1. It marks the beginning of harvest time and plays a central role in celebrating fertility and abundance. This holiday has deep roots in agricultural culture and has traditionally focused on honoring the fertility of the earth and celebrating the first fruits of the land.

Fertility plays a vital role during Lughnasadh as it is the time when the crops mature and the land begins to provide abundance. Celebrating fertility during this festival is a recognition of the vital role nature plays in our daily lives and the nourishment it provides us. It is a time of gratitude for the gifts of Mother Earth and the hard work of the farmers and gardeners who have kept the crops thriving.

During Lughnasadh, various rituals were performed to promote fertility and bless the harvest. A common practice was to make wreaths with freshly harvested grains, flowers and fruits. These wreaths were then used as decorations in homes and on altars to symbolize the fertility of the land. Food sharing was also an important aspect of Lughnasadh, with people coming together to share meals with freshly harvested produce as the focal point.

Celebrating fertility during Lughnasadh went beyond just farming and crops. It also included celebrating personal and spiritual fruitfulness, such as pursuing creativity, promoting personal growth, and cultivating loving relationships.

In addition to celebrating fertility and abundance, Lughnasadh is also a time to acknowledge the cycle of life. It is a period of transition, where we experience the change of the season and prepare for the coming fall and winter.

Do you also want to take the time for Lughnasadh? Here are 10 ways to celebrate Lughnasadh in modern times and society:

  • Organize a picnic: Invite friends and family for a nice picnic in nature. Enjoy the summer atmosphere as you share traditional foods such as bread, fruits and local delicacies together.


  • Visit a Farmer's Market: Visit a local farmer's market and shop for fresh, seasonal produce. Learn about harvest time and support local growers while enjoying the bounty of the season.


  • Make a flower wreath: Collect flowers and leaves from nature and create your own beautiful flower wreath. Wear it during the party to celebrate the connection with nature and the solstice.


  • Bake traditional bread: Bake a traditional Lughnasadh bread, such as an Irish loaf or a grain bread with seeds and nuts. Share the bread with friends and family as a symbol of abundance and prosperity.


  • Dance and make music: Organize a dance and music evening to celebrate the energy of Lughnasadh. Play traditional Celtic music and dance together to honor the fertility of the land.


  • Create an altar: Create a personal altar with symbols important to Lughnasadh, such as grains of wheat, sunflowers, candles, and images of the Celtic god Lugh. Use this altar as a focal point for your celebration and meditations.


  • Volunteer: Give back to the community by participating in volunteer work. For example, help harvest crops at a local farm or organize a food drive for those in need.

  • Take a nature walk: Go on a nature walk and observe the changes that take place during the transition from summer to fall. Reflect on the cycle of nature and feel connected to the land and the seasons.


  • Tell stories around the fire: Invite friends to a cozy campfire and share stories and legends from Celtic mythology. Let the magic of the old stories come alive as you feel the warmth of the fire.


  • Plant your own herb or vegetable garden: Start your own small garden of herbs or vegetables. Use Lughnasadh as an opportunity to celebrate the fertility of the land and be self-sufficient by growing your own food.

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  • author: Nienke