Get the Look: 15th century lady in dress Frideswinde

Get the Look: 15th century lady in dress Frideswinde

For this composition we were inspired by paintings from the early Renaissance. We decorated a table with a beautiful still life and played out some domestic scenes between the lady of the house and her servant.


Are you curious about the other characters of this composition?

Click here for the other outfit of the lady from the house.

Click here for the servant's outfit



The dress is based on an image from a Book of Hours from around 1510. The miniature shows a scene from farm life, so the dress may not be entirely appropriate for a lady of standing.



The underdress used is a bathing dress based on an image from the Wenceslas Bible. The bathing dress or baignoire was usually made of lightweight fabrics such as linen and was often worn under normal clothing between the 14th and 16th centuries.



The necklace is based on jewelry from the Tudor era.


The shoes are based on various examples from the 12th to 15th centuries. 



The buckle of the belt is based on an original made between 1390 and 1420 and recovered from Newhamptonshire, England.


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  • author: Judith