Litha (midsummer)

Litha (midsummer)

Litha is a Germanic and Celtic midsummer festival celebrated during the summer solstice known as midsummer. It is a time of joy, fertility, abundance and celebrating the height of summer. Both the Germanic and Celtic cultures and later the Viking culture celebrated Litha.

In the Germanic tradition, Litha is known as one of the eight annual festivals that together form the wheel of the year. It marks the time when the sun is at its zenith and the day is longest. Litha is celebrated on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a time when nature is at its peak, with lush green landscapes, blooming flowers and fertile crops. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, and people celebrate this through rituals, dance, song and joyful gatherings. People danced and jumped over the flames as a cleansing and protective ritual. During Litha the sun does not set in the far north, lower in Europe the sun does not set until very late.

Celts viewed the solstice as a powerful turning point in the year. In which the border between the physical world and the spiritual world was thinner, so that magical powers were stronger and communication with the other world was possible.

Do you also want to take the time for Litha? Here are 8 ways to celebrate Litha in modern times and society:

  • Create a solstice altar: Create a beautiful solstice altar in your home or garden. Use symbols such as sunflowers, yellow candles and stones to represent the power of the sun. The altar can serve as a focus point for meditation and reflection.


  • Host a bonfire: Celebrate Litha with a bonfire. Invite friends and family for a cozy evening around the fire. Sing, dance and enjoy each other's company as you celebrate the energy of the solstice.


  • Connect with nature: Get out into nature and connect with the power of the season. Take a walk in the woods, go swimming in a lake or spend time in your garden. Enjoy the abundance of nature and feel the energy of the summer sun.


  • Make a herbal mandala: Collect different herbs and flowers and make a colorful mandala in your garden or other special place. This is a creative way to celebrate the bounty of the season and honor the healing properties of herbs.


  • Organize a healthy meal: Prepare a healthy and seasonal meal with fresh fruits and vegetables. Focus on light and colorful dishes to celebrate the vitality of summer. Invite friends to enjoy the meal together.


  • Dance in the Sun: Go outside and dance under the sun. Let yourself go to happy music and feel the joy and energy of the season. This is a great way to express yourself and connect with the sunny energy around you.


  • Make a Sun Power Amulet: Make your own Sun Power Amulet using symbols that give you energy and strength, such as Sun Charms, Yellow Ribbons, and Sun Stone. Wear the amulet as a reminder of your inner strength and the brightness of the sun.


  • Visit a Field of Sunflowers: Visit a field of sunflowers. These beautiful flowers symbolize the sun and are a perfect way to celebrate Litha. Take pictures, enjoy the beauty and feel the energy of these radiant flowers.

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  • author: Patrick